Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Art of Tribal Shoulder Tattoo Designs

So, you want to get a tribal shoulder tattoo design. There are countless ways you can go, from sleeve, to back piece, but you will need to know some basic, but forgotten, knowledge of shoulder tattoo placement, among other things.I assume that you have found where you would like your tattoo. You have probably scoured the internet, trying to find exactly what will look good on your body. Most of the random websites or Google lookup deigns will not be a good fit for your body, but we will get to that point in a minute. The size and shape of your ultimate choice will limit where you can place your tribal shoulder tattoo, so you should try to come...

Printable Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal tattoos are quite popular. I like to lay out in this Texas heat and not a day goes by where I don't see someone with a tribal tattoo, man or woman. Women can get nice delicate lines that make butterflies, flowers, horses,frogs, you name it, it can be made out of tribal. Guys tribal is usually more bold and the lines are sharper. Tribal can include practically any other design! That's the great thing about it. People get tribal all over. Arms, legs, stomach, chest, even on their head! I could never get a tattoo on my scalp.I have some pretty awkward places for my tattoos. In between the fingers, inside my bottom lip. Most my tattoos are...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tribal Tattoo Designs For The Foot

There seems to be an explosion in the popularity of tribal tattoos. Specifically, shoulder and back tribal pieces. Everywhere you look, from celebrity to Average Joe, someone has got a beautiful, striking tribal tattoo on their shoulder. Or they have the the tribal tattoo that goes from one shoulder, across the back, and down the other shoulder. Why are they fast becoming the most popular tattoo? How do you choose the best tribal tattoo design for you? Do a little research. Check out tribal tattoo designs in your culture or heritage. You are sure to get tons of ideas. I did a little research on tribal tattoos, and I now have a few theories as...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cool Japanese Shirt Sleeve Tattoo Design

For men, it is important to have a tattoo that is unique, different, at the same time cool. More popular designs include dragons, flames and skulls for sleeve tattoo designs. If you want something a little more different, don't go to these generic and common tattoo subjects! Why won't you get yourself a Japanese sleeve tattoo instead?Here are some popular subjects of Japanese shirt sleeve tattoo designs:Koi fish - Koi fish are beautiful and vibrant. They look great for sleeve tattoo designs! The contrasting vibrant oranges and deep blue water hues are perfect. Make your Koi fish tattoo three dimensional and with color... this way, it will really...

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